All Education Is Public Education
All Education Is Public Education: The Public Should Fund Education, but the Government Should Not Control Education
Some people who read things I write about education, especially when I promote our private unschool academy goals, conclude that I do not support public education. There is a perspective among some that any support of private education is anti-public-education, and/or takes funding away from public education.
My position transcends this debate.
To clarify, I wholeheartedly support public funding of education, but not government control of education.
According to my proposed new education paradigm, the public pays for all education, but the government controls virtually none of it. And I don't just mean public day schools. I mean all education, including everything that is not publicly funded today, such as private schools, after school programs, tutoring, test preparation, music lessons, sports leagues, yoga classes, "higher" education, and it includes secular and religious, and it includes all ages, children, youth, and adults. Literally, all education, for all of life.
The people in charge of education should be students and teachers. No other.
To read more detail about my proposed new education paradigm, see Chapter 8 of my dissertation. (Or the whole thing if you have the inclination!)
Teacher Inquiry as Transformative Learning: Chapter 8 - A Theory of Change for All Education
Many will say it's impossible, or will have beliefs or concerns difficult to overcome. But every objection can be met, and every problem solved.
And I believe we would have a better educated, healthier, happier, more peaceful, less exclusive, more inclusive, and more prosperous society and country.
All education is public education.