On Educating, Learning, Schooling, and Unschooling
Learnings, teachings, discussions, and writings about education, learning, forward-thinking, non-traditional schooling, unschooling, homeschooling, project-based learning, outdoor learning, play and exploration, critical thinking, creativity, entrepreneurship, and other topics relevant to our school and education philosophy.
Education for the Future: Child Agency
To give children agency in the enactment of their lives, including their childhoods, is to grant them a mind of their own, to allow them their own will, and thereby to acknowledge their self-efficacy and personal control. Children are (can be) active in creating meaning in their lives. Children are (can be) not only recipients of knowledge but also creators of knowledge.
Authenticity: Becoming and Presenting Our True, Authentic Selves
I read frequent posts from adults wishing they could present their authentic selves in public. Here's the thing. It starts in Kindergarten.
All Education Is Public Education
All education Is public education: The public should fund education, but the government should not control education.
Teachers as Learners, Students as Teachers
When we think of the teaching that goes on in schools, we typically think of the teacher as a content area expert who transfers knowledge and skill in one way or another to students who are recipients of that knowledge and skill. This kind of teaching is certainly appropriate in a variety of situations. However, we could see more.
Embracing Non-Traditional Schooling
Education is a vital component of a child's growth and development, shaping their knowledge, skills, and worldview. While traditional schooling has been the norm for generations, alternative approaches to education have gained prominence in recent years. Non-traditional schooling methods such as homeschooling, unschooling, play-based learning, exploration, and self-directed learning have emerged as viable alternatives, offering numerous benefits to children and youth. In this comprehensive article, we will delve deeper into the advantages of these unconventional educational approaches, with a particular focus on the philosophy and benefits of unschooling.
Education Reforms Don’t Work
Adequate improvements to our education system in the United States are impossible because, essentially, our education institutions are doing what they were designed to do. New thinking enters as a challenge to rather than progress toward its fundamental goals and purposes. Our current education system has been designed to exclude people, and our desired outcomes for a new education paradigm focus first and foremost on including everyone. The goals are diametrically opposed.
Statement of Principles
The Academy asserts the goal of education is to: 1. Include each and every student. 2. Serve the needs, desires, and interests of each and every student. 3. Respect and honor each and every student.
Children as Stakeholders
Students who are children might be viewed as inappropriate primary stakeholders in their own education because of their age, and perhaps, their potentially limited knowledge and experience. As such, children might be considered incapable of knowing what is in their own best interests. I take the opposite view: that students, including children, are the ones most capable of determining what is in their best interests.
Child Agency
Child agency refers to the capacity and right of children to actively participate in decision-making processes that affect their lives. It recognizes that children are not passive recipients of care and protection, but individuals with their own thoughts, opinions, and experiences. Child agency emphasizes the importance of involving children in matters that concern them, promoting their autonomy, and acknowledging their unique perspectives.
Schooling Is Too Much about Compliance
Our education model, sometimes because of intention, sometimes because of structure, is less about learning and more about compliance.
Trust and Honor in Education
A successful education system, model, or institution will be one where students, teachers, and parents both trust and honor each other. We could also add value and respect. Value each other. Respect each other. Do we have this?
Educators Taking Responsibility
Even if one doesn't believe it's true, or is offended or put off by the suggestion, it's still a worthwhile exercise to imagine, "What if educators are causing the problems facing people that we tend to place blame or attribute elsewhere?"
Education and Technology: ChatGPT & OpenAI
Education should be out ahead of culture, not lagging behind, which of course is it's actual tendency. History is in the making, right now, and we can watch it unfold.
It's Inside the Kids
In education we hear so frequently things like, "... to prepare them to compete in the global economy." What we should hear are things more like, "... to provide them space and opportunity to develop their innate creativity, to communicate their ideas, to think through solutions in new ways, and to hone their collaborative skills." It's a kind of hubris to insist maintaining the status quo is the way to go. And it has created the stressful, anxiety-laden, competitive, exclusive, and excessively costly education systems we have today. And it contributes to many of the problems we have in the country and world today.
Empowering Students with Science & Technology
In the rapidly evolving landscape of the 21st century, the integration of science, technology, robotics, and computer programming in primary and secondary schools has become imperative. These disciplines provide students with a solid foundation in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) education, fostering critical thinking, problem-solving, creativity, and preparing them for the challenges and opportunities of the future. While many schools have recognized the significance of these subjects, there are still institutions that have not fully embraced their transformative potential, thereby depriving students of the immense benefits they offer.
The Transformative Power of Musical Theater
Musical theater is a vibrant and captivating art form that combines acting, singing, and dancing to create a mesmerizing experience. Beyond the glitz and glamour, children who engage in musical theater discover a wealth of benefits that shape their character, skills, and outlook on life. From fostering self-expression and confidence to developing communication and problem-solving abilities, the impact of musical theater on children is profound and far-reaching. Let's delve deeper into the transformative power of this art form and explore the multitude of benefits it offers.
Nurturing Young Entrepreneurs
In today's rapidly changing world, fostering an entrepreneurial mindset in children has become increasingly important. By equipping them with the skills and mindset necessary to navigate the complexities of the future, we can empower children to become innovative thinkers, problem solvers, and leaders. Teaching children about entrepreneurship not only nurtures their creativity and critical thinking but also instills valuable life skills such as financial literacy, resilience, and adaptability. In this article, we will explore various strategies and approaches to teach children how to be entrepreneurial.
Free Play in Learning
Free play in learning refers to the concept of allowing children or learners to engage in unstructured, self-directed play as a means of learning and development. Here are some key points related to free play in learning.
Standardized Testing: Debate and Criticism
Standardized testing in the United States has been a subject of debate and criticism for various reasons. Here are some commonly cited problems with standardized testing.
What Is Socratic Dialogue?
Socratic dialogue, also known as Socratic method or Socratic questioning, is a form of inquiry and philosophical discussion named after the ancient Greek philosopher Socrates. It is a method of learning and discovering knowledge through a series of questions and answers.
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