Educators Taking Responsibility
Educators Taking Responsibility
Even if one doesn't believe it's true, or is offended or put off by the suggestion, it's still a worthwhile exercise to imagine, "What if educators are causing the problems facing people that we tend to place blame or attribute elsewhere?"
"What if the rise of present problems is directly related to various education reforms over the past decades?"
"What if the things we do daily in schools cause the problems of anxiety, depression, bullying, drug abuse, failure, dropouts, suicide, shootings, etc. in/by youth (and adults)?"
Just for the exercise, if we concluded it were true, regardless of whether it is or isn't, what would we do different to strive to end these troubles? If we couldn't point the finger anywhere else, if we took full accountability, what would we need to do?
It's an exercise that requires substantial time, thought, discussion, deep breaths, and reflection.
The answers, regardless of the degree of truth to the base supposition, likely should be implemented.
(P.S., This accountability-taking exercise can be applied to many of life's challenges with good value.)